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Resources for Teachers

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A collection of articles, videos, and websites to help deepen your own practice or share with your colleagues and administrators.

Be sure to check out the tutorial videos from BRAINworks too, in the Curriculum Center!


The Art of Education

Online resources for art teachers. With an array of information about courses, conferences, workshops, and other valuable resources, this site was founded by an art educator to provide professional development and learning opportunities for art teachers at all stages of their careers.

The Arts Education Data Toolkit

Data about arts education are critical to ensuring that all American students, regardless of where they attend school, have the opportunity to excel in and through the arts. Such data can give decisionmakers, from state policymakers to educators to parents, information they need to answer critical questions: How many students have access to arts instruction? How many receive it? Do students’ gender, race, zip code or family income affect their opportunities in the arts? This toolkit offers step-by-step instructions, worksheets and other tools to help you plan and execute an arts education data initiative in your state.

Blick Art Materials' Lesson Plans

Blick Art Materials offers not only the materials you might need to engage in visual arts in your classroom, but also hosts a collection of arts lesson plans for grade levels K-12, including special education. The bank of plans is searchable by grade level or by artistic discipline.

Ceramic Tile Art

Ceramic tile art is the intersection of architecture, design, and visual art! Find out here how to make a variety of ceramic tiles and use them in all kinds of new ways! Thanks to Valerie and Olivia at the Livingston Arts Center for this great find!

Coaching for Educators

The Center for Peace Through Culture's (CPC) new complimentary offering, Coaching for Educators, addresses the overwhelming stress created by the COVID-19 pandemic by personally supporting Pre-K through 12 Berkshire teachers so they can perform at their best for their students. Resilient teachers foster resilient students.  CPC offers programs and workshops for teachers, parents and children.

Cognitive Rigor Matricies

Developed by Webb’s Depth of Knowledge scholar Karin Hess, these downloadable rigor matrices span a variety of content areas, including the arts, that can be used to spark thinking about which rigorous thinking processes match across content areas and the arts in order to create high-rigor arts-integrated lessons.

Create Humboldt & Arts and Creativity Initiative

Home of the Create Humboldt, Arts & Creativity Initiative, and the former home of the North Coast Arts Integration Project. Offering resources, blogs, and teacher-tested arts integrated lessons for you to try in your own classroom (both in-person and #CreateAtHome enrichment activities!)

Curated Practices for High-Quality Remote Instruction

Fifteen of the most effective practices for remote learning that are based on real-world examples from successful remote learning programs. Easily adaptable for school leaders, teachers, or families.

Flying Cloud Institute

Serving Berkshire County by sharing dynamic science and art experiences, FCI provides classroom residencies, outside of school programs, and professional development opportunities.

Education Commission of the States EdNote Blog

Your education policy blog. At Education Commission of the States, we believe in the power of learning from experience. Every day, we provide education leaders with unbiased information and opportunities for collaboration. 

Edutopia: Arts Integration Resource Roundup

As part of the George Lucas Educational Foundation, Edutopia shows educators how they can adopt or adapt best practices with a focus on students becoming lifelong learners and developing 21st-century skills.

The Getty Museum's Classroom Resources

As part of its mission, the Getty Museum seeks to inspire all to engage with art by featuring a range of activities, lesson ideas, and lesson planning guides.

Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM

Founded by Arts Integration Specialist Susan Riley, Education Closet provides various articles, lesson and unit downloads, video series, publications, and classes or online conferences.

The Kennedy Center's ARTSEDGE

With an expansive collection of free digital resources, including lesson plans, audio stories, video clips, and interactive online modules, ARTSEDGE promotes arts integrated instruction and learning.

Library of Congress

As the largest library in the world, the Library of Congress aims to preserve and provide access to a diverse source of knowledge with millions of books, recordings, photographs, newspapers, maps and manuscripts in its collections.

National Science Digital Library

Providing high quality online educational resources for teaching and learning, the NSDL emphasizes the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.

Resources for Early Learning

Developed in connection to the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC), this site hosts a variety of resources with a focus on children age birth through 5 years.

RISE for Educators

​Whether you’re a teacher in early education, k-12, or higher education; a parent teaching your children from home; or an administrator navigating the changing educational landscape from a high level; this series which is anchored in the science and practice of mindfulness, yoga, and positive psychology, is for you!

Smithsonian Learning Lab

With access to more than a million images, recordings, and texts gleaned from the Smithsonian’s 19 museums, 9 major research centers, and the National Zoo, the website allows visitors to add their own notes and tags, incorporate discussion questions, and save and share.

Turnaround Arts

Learn how this initiative uses arts education as a tool to help turn around the highest-need elementary and middle schools.

Growing from STEM to STEAM

This article presents a case for integrating the arts and showcases how one school district developed an art-centric curriculum.

Is Your Lesson A Grecian Urn?

This Cult of Pedagogy article presents the case for how not all hands-on or arts-related tasks are created equal.

Increasing Access to Arts Education in Rural Areas

This article notes how arts education in rural schools faces a number of challenges, but also shares promising practices and opportunities for expanding access to arts education.

Introducing BRAINworks

A 30-minute segment from Northern Berkshire Community Television’s Reach Out Education, this video explains many goals of the BRAINworks grant program.

K-2 Teaching Artist Project

A partnership between the San Diego Unified School District and the University of California, Irvine, TAP offers free lesson plan and video arts integration resources for teaching literacy through the arts. Resources are designed for grades K-2.

Education Week - Leaders to Learn From: Dennis Creedon

In this video an Assistant Superintendent describes how teaching through the creative arts makes a critical difference in allowing every student to feel welcome in the learning experience.

Reading with Purpose: Monologues

Drs Lisa Donovan and Jennifer Bogard take you step-by-step through the process of integrating drama into ELA, through the development of student monologues in this blog post from TCM.

Science Genius

A vibrant example of arts integrations, this video showcases a high school initiative that harnesses the power of hip-hop music and connects it to science content.

Using Webb's Depth of Knowledge to Increase Rigor

This article helps educators understand rigor in their classrooms and why exploring Depth of Knowledge levels can raise the bar.

Wolf Trap Early Learning Arts Integration Videos

Digital resources from Wolf Trap Performing Arts Center that explain and model a variety of arts integration strategies that engage students in active, multi-sensory learning.

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