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Resources for
Arts & Cultural Organizations

Managing Bias

Resources from BCAN's recent collaboration with the MCLA Institute for Arts and Humanities. Watch the Managing Bias workshop, presented by consultants from PENN Creative Strategy, below.


  • Guide sheet for following along with the presentation


  • Resource sheet for furthering your learning



Portrait of a Graduate

Recording from BCAN's recent conversation with the administrative and school team at North Adams Public Schools about their Barr Foundation-funded Portrait of A Graduate initiative.


More information about Portrait of A Graduate opportunities are available here.

MA Arts Frameworks

Lisa Donovan in conversation with DESE's Arts Content Support Lead, Dawn Benski, about the 2019 Arts Curriculum Frameworks and their connections to the Berkshire County Blueprint for Arts Integration and Arts Education.


Further Information:

MA Academic Standards

Easily access thee academic standards teachers use daily in their classrooms, known as Curriculum Frameworks.

Quick reference:

BRLI Online PD Library

Bill Ballen from the Berkshire County Superintendents' Roundtable and Mary Beth Eldridge, leader of the Berkshire arts education PLN , speaks with BCAN about the opportunity for arts and cultural organizations to contribute to an online library of professional development activities.

Virtual Internship Chat

Lisa Donovan in conversation with a former Berkshire Museum intern, and Sandra Williams, Collections Associate Registrar at Berkshire Museum, discussing high school and college internships held virtually during the pandemic and the results and impact for both the interns and the Museum.

Defining 'Berkshire Community'

BCAN team in discussion with cultural organizations about how they define the 'Berkshire Community.'

BCAN Past and Future

BCAN team in discussion with cultural organizations about how they where BCAN fits into the C4 Initiative, what's next, and where the network wants to go.

Evaluating as a Region

BCAN team and evaluation consultant Julia Gittleman in discussion with cultural organizations about the needs for evaluation in the network, regional data points, and relationships of evaluation to creative youth development. Slides from the presentation can be found here.

Intro to Logic Models

Evaluation consultant Julia Gittleman from Youth Arts Impact Network discusses the basics of logic models, their connection to grantwriting and evaluation, and how to get started.

Intro to Survey Design

Evaluation consultant Julia Gittleman from discusses the basics of survey design, its connection to evaluation, and how to get started.

HS Internships with MassHire

Bill Ballen (Superintendents' Roundtable) and Heather Shogry-Williams from MassHire share logistics about funding internship placements at arts and cultural organizations for Berkshire County high school students. Leslie and Lisa share an example of a universal internship description template and a grid to provide data to guidance counselors about opportunities at your organization for internships. 

BBEC and Black Arts Council

Part of BCAN's Collective Impact with an Equity Lens 2022 spring conversation series, this conversation with A.J. Enchill, President of the Berkshire Black Economic Council, to discuss the creation of a Black Arts Council in Berkshire County and the data being generated to do that.

BTFC Resident Arts Leadership

Part of BCAN's Collective Impact with and Equity Lens 2022 spring conversation series, this panel with three grantees of the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation (Center for Peace Through Culture, Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center, and MASS MoCA) offering insights, lesson learned, and challenges faced in their work to engage diverse communities as resident leaders in the arts

Portrait of A Graduate Competencies

BERK12's Portrait of a Graduate team has released the final six competencies that vision what all Berkshire High school students will have upon graduation.

We encourage you to complete the Consensogram activity and review the slides from the presentation.

Shared CYD Measurement Update with MCC

Julia and Käthe discuss shared measurement strategies, what creative youth development (CYD) is and the three main components of it hear about the importance of sharing measurement strategies through the examples of the Youth Arts Impact Network (YAIN) and Boston Youth Arts Evaluation Project (BYAEP)
and discuss what shared measurement means for BCAN organizations.

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