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County-Wide Initiatives

The C4 Initiative

The Creative Compact for Collective and Collaborative Impact and is a collaborative effort between MCLA, Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, and the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission to bring together a network of cultural organizations, public school educators and administrators and private employers to create a K-12 arts education blueprint for Berkshire County that provides public school students with regular opportunities to participate in creating art and to experience Berkshire County’s many cultural institutions.

Berkshire Cultural Asset Network (BCAN)

Created in 2018 as part of the C4 Initiative, the mission of Berkshire Cultural Asset Network is to serve as a professional learning network for the staff of Berkshire County cultural organizations working in education and community engagement. We define “culture” as going beyond established arts institutions and practices to include the natural resources and diverse creative practices that are essential components of life in Berkshire County.

Leveraging Change: Increasing Access to Arts Education in Rural Areas

BRAINworks builds on significant arts education research in Berkshire County. Funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, this report was co-authored by Lisa Donovan, PhD, and Maren Brown, MBA, in 2017 to highlight the challenges and opportunities of increasing access to arts education in rural areas. The report also showcases effective practices, including creating collaborative rural networks and using technology to bridge physical barriers. Suggestions from a cross-sectoral convening in Berkshire County are featured.

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How is all this work connected?

All the arts integration initiatives are aligned!

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From 2023-2024, funding from BERK12, Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, the Pittsfield Education Enrichment Fund, and the Mill Town Foundation have supported the:


  • the development of year-round offerings for arts integration professional development for Berkshire County public school educators.

  • the expansion of the Berkshire Portrait of a Graduate arts alignment work 

  • advancement of DESE arts education initiatives including research support and piloting the Arts & Cultural Vitality Index

  • the continued operation of a professional learning network, the Berkshire Cultural Assets Network (BCAN) for arts education and community engagement staff working in arts organizations across Berkshire County.

  • the continued pursuit of grant opportunities.

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